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Holycross N.S, Firoda, Co Kilkenny

Active Flag


Holycross N.S. are currently working towards attaining our first Active Schools Flag!


What is the Active Schools Flag?

The Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland and part of the National Physical Activity Plan. The Active School Flag is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often. Our challenge will be to find interesting and exciting ways to energise the school day because active children are happy learners!

Please keep an eye on our website and Twitter page for updates on how we have been getting active in school!


October 2022

The newest addition to our yard has been the introduction of Playground Markings. Thanks to Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership for helping us add this great asset to our school playground. Pictured below are the Junior and Senior Infants testing it out.


Feel Good Friday 28th October

What a way to start the Halloween holidays with a ‘Feel Good Friday’. All children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class danced their socks off to Halloween themed music and completed a Halloween Work Out on the school’s basketball court. We can’t wait for our next ‘Feel Good Friday’!!


November 2022

Active School Committee

We established An Active School Committee comprising of pupils from 2nd Class to 6th Class. Their first task will be to set up playground games for the younger classes to participate in during break times.


We held a competition in all classes to come up with a slogan to help us get going on our active journey. The winning slogan was compiled by Cadence from 4th Class- Firoda’s Moovin’ so let’s get groovin’!

Active Movement Breaks

Our Active Movement Break Challenge commenced on Monday 14th November and will run for 4 weeks. Classes have been very busy so far engaging in a wide variety of activities during these breaks, including; dance, jogging, exercises, walking. 3rd to 6th Class have partnered up with the Irish Heart Foundation and are logging their ‘bizzy breaks’ using the specially provided handbooks and this is really helping them to keep on task.


Playground Leaders

Playground leaders were selected from the Active School Committee and have commenced demonstrating playground games to the Infants at break time. The Infant classroom have been really enjoying this.


Feel Good Friday- 25th November

Our second Feel Good Friday took place on the 25th of November. We learned how to dance to the Cha Cha Slide and we even did the Macarena! The children are really enjoying these sessions and are growing in confidence with their dancing skills!